My Name is Angela McGill. I am super excited you are interested in signing up for my Deliverance Class. I have been doing deliverance for a number of years. It has been amazing to walk individuals through deliverance as well as walk whole congregations through mass deliverance. I truly believe that Jesus desires that we walk in the freedom and not bondage to anything. Deliverance to me is one of God's love languages to his body.
Deliverance 101
This class is a power packed introduction class. We will cover INTRO TO DELIVERANCE, SPRITUAL WARFARE, KINGDOM AUTHORITY AND POWER and much more.. This class is a prerequisite to Deliverance 102
It is $79.99 if bought separately from Deliverance 102.
Deliverance 102
This class is a power packed intermediate class. We will cover KINGDOM OF DARKNESS OPERATION, EVIL ALTARS & DEMONIC ATTACKS and much more.. You MUST take the prerequisite class Deliverance 101
It is $199.99 for Deliverance 101 and 102.
REGISTER HERE for Deliverance 101 $79.99
All Classes are Virtual. Please fill out ALL of the contact information.
Workbook and link to class will be emailed out 24 hours prior to class.
REGISTER HERE for Deliverance 101 and 102 $199.99